
click to open the music player (pop-up window)


[02/01/25] new blog post

[23/12/24] new sitemap + some updates to game log

[19/12/24] art gallery is done!

[15/12/24] blog page is done!!

[12/12/24] new simple christmas index

[10/12/24] new review on game log and more songs added to music player

[04/12/24] updated about me page

[14/10/24] game log is finally complete!

[05/10/24] HALLOWEEN UPDATE YAYYYY!! new playlist on music player to fit the theme

[19/08/24] MY GUESTBOOK FINALLY WORKS PROPERLY!!! tysm starry-knight :D

[29/07/24] completed anime log page i think :D + added some more buttons as usual

[27/07/24] made lots of small updates, added more buttons and started the media log page (please check it looks very cute)

[02/07/24] completed the 88x31 button page (links) and made a simple button, graphic design is NOT my passion

[26/06/24] made a basic credits page + changed the music player (still need to choose more songs)

[04/06/24] finished about me page

[04/05/24] homepage is finally complete!! :D